For our diaper delivery service we deliver quality Huggies Little Snugglers, Huggies Little Movers, Pampers Swaddlers, Pampers Cruisers diapers, and several other brands.
We send a small toy or rattle to mom in the welcome kit on the date of your choosing, and enclose a lovely card with your personal greeting in it, a letter explaining what the gift entails, and instructions on how to re-order diapers when mom runs low.
For convenience, we include a magnet with our phone number and other contact information on it. Mom will be instructed to call us when she is ready to receive her next case of diapers. This assures us that we will send the diapers when the baby needs them, and in just the right size. Mom will never be stuck without diapers or have diapers arrive and clutter up the nursery before she’s ready to use them.
We are going to send mom out a large case of diapers, but the actual quantity depends on the size and brand mom selects. Cases will contain between 128 and 264 diapers. A case of diapers lasts approximately one month, but babies need lots of changes in the first couple of months so mom may go through them faster during the first 3 months.
A typical baby will go through diapers faster the first three to four months and then slow down as they get older. About 80% of our moms use 12 cases in a 12 month period, about 10% use 10-11 cases and about 10% use 13-14 cases in a year period.
We are the only diaper delivery service that can mix and match sizes and even brands. If mom can’t decide which brand is best for baby, we’ll send out a variety package for her to try them all. However, we do let mom know that by taking a mixed case she will get less diapers than in the big case as we ship out approximately four jumbo packages in a variety pack or mixed case.
As you go through the checkout process make sure to add your personal message in the appropriate box on the checkout screen. You can also include any additional information we might need in the Notes box.
The price includes shipping within the continental U.S. Shipping we no longer ship to Hawaii or Alaska.