Imaging giving the new family a 12 monthly baby gift of books and toys that baby will need to stay on track with their development. Each box contains the perfect books and toys for each stage of development. Mom’s tell us that getting a full year of Discovery Boxes provided them with everything they needed for baby! They love the cards that come in each box that guide them through how to use the items in the box to help baby learn all while laughing and playing!
We will ship out twelve boxes, one each month for a whole year. Each box contains books and toys perfectly curated for baby’s age. Box one will ship out with the gift announcement. Then we get baby’s birthday from mom and each month we automatically send out the next box.
For more information on what is in each box – keep reading:
Box one is designed to begin the bonding between parent and baby. We want you to start the stimulation of baby’s senses such as touch and sight. Box one will include many items that will introduce baby to the world!
Box two is designed for two-month-olds. This box is designed to stimulate baby’s sense of hearing and sight. Lots of noise makers will come out of this one! Everything in this box is perfect to start tummy time with baby and keeping them occupied. Baby Discovery Box wants parent and baby to enjoy their time together through sound and reading books.
Baby is three months! Time for another box to engage with baby. Box three is to encourage movement, colors, and touch. Your baby is becoming more aware every day. As you watch your baby at three months, you should see some early signs of hand-eye coordination. Your baby’s hands can open and shut and will start to swipe at colorful dangling toys and might even briefly grab at it. This is a fun box to watch baby interact.
Box four is all about bright colors. Baby’s color differences are starting to become clearer and can start to distinguish between similar shades. Present baby with a variety of colors in books, toys, and colors. This box is perfect for that.
It’s all about touch. Box five lets your little one explore all different types texture. Your baby will lift and hold objects now on their own but will still use their mouth to feel objects. Play is so important for learning and development. Look for different textures – smooth, rough, hard, or soft. Babies learn about the world through touch.
Box six will get your little one’s imagination really going. Your baby is starting to remember things, like her favorite toys, books, and people. Reading and talking about the pictures in books will expand your baby’s creativity. That is why every box receives a book. Reading is key to babies learning.
Ginny –
Hi Pattie, I was over Nick and Janna’s last night and Janna showed me the Book on baby Signing! I was just elated that this book was sent. It means so much to us and your company is all inclusive to the needs of our family. The service speaks volumes and our whole family is thrilled with your company. Thank. you a million times!
“Nana” Ginny